Take Back Control Of Your Life
If you’re ready to harness the power of your thoughts, feelings, and actions, you’ve come to the right place. Jason Linett is a worldwide hypnotic resource conveniently located in Northern Virginia.
Your customized hypnotherapy experience begins with you. Click here to schedule your FREE Hypnosis Strategy session by phone to discuss your goals and set a plan of action for your success.
Discover how you will breakthrough old challenges and step into your personal freedom.
My goal is to give you the most effective process in the most efficient use of your time.
What do you want to change today?
It’s about taking action.
This is going to be dramatically different from anything you’ve done before. From the moment you walk in the door, we will get to work immediately to identify what has been holding you back… and help you let go of it!
Hypnosis is a natural process in which your mind is more receptive to positive suggestion, insight, and releasing negative feelings. It’s your mind’s ability to rapidly integrate new skills, strategies, and strengths.
The process isn’t magic, though the results can be magical.
You will discover:
Stop overthinking your problem. Create your success now.
Click here to discover how to schedule your Hypnotic Strategy Session to set a plan for your success.
My interest in hypnosis began nearly twenty years ago, and this passion has become a career that has taken me around the world.
I’ve been a full-time professional hypnotist for more than a dozen years. Through my client sessions and educational programs, I’ve hypnotized more than a quarter-million people.
My approach is focused on what’s GREAT about you, rather than what’s WRONG with you.
Together, we’re going to get that part of your mind that has been holding you back to stop, change sides, and begin working with you powerfully to free you from the past.
Watch Jason's TEDx Presentation
It’s not just about creating powerful human connections.
It’s about creating positive communication in the direction you wish to grow.
Convenient and Comfortable Location.
Our Springfield Hypnosis office is convenient to Fairfax County, Loudness County, Prince William County, and the cities of Alexandria and Arlington. We’re a short drive from Washington D.C and Maryland.

Are you ready to get started?
Click here to schedule your FREE 20-Minute Phone Strategy Session.
Here’s what to do next:
This process begins with you.
Click here to discover how to schedule your Hypnotic Strategy Session to set a plan for your success.