If you have trouble sleeping, please read this.
Get the rest you need to be alert and awake throughout the day.
Watch this video to learn how hypnosis works:
Experience a customized approach to helping you resolve those old unwanted sleep patterns.
During your customized process of hypnosis, you will:
What problem are you ready to resolve?
"I can’t fall asleep at night."
There you are in bed, and every part of you knows it’s time to go to sleep. Unfortunately, your mind is racing. What stressful thoughts are keeping you up? What issue are you worrying about?
You and I will work together through hypnosis to retrain your brain to quiet your thoughts and drift into that appropriate rest.
"I have a hard time staying asleep."
Sleep in an unconscious behavior. You don’t consciously decide the moment that your brain performs that “flip of a switch” to transition from awake to rest. There comes that magical moment where it happens for you.
By many definitions, hypnosis is a process of creating new thinking within the subconscious mind. It makes sense that hypnosis is an ideal method of helping you retrain that automatic response to more easily fall asleep and appropriately stay asleep.
In addition to that, check out the Break Bad Habits page on this website to learn more I’ve successfully helped people with nighttime behaviors like teeth grinding or even sleepwalking.
"I don’t feel my best in the morning."
I used to be a zombie in the morning. I personally used hypnosis to refocus my thoughts and energy to become a morning person, and I’m excited to share a similar result with you.
Rapid change can occur through repetition and intensity. It may be that there are old belief systems that need to be reset, almost like a computer being upgraded.
Here’s what to do next:
This process begins with you.
Click here to discover how to schedule your Hypnotic Strategy Session to set a plan for your success.
Here’s what people are saying:
I found it easier to let go of my issues while under hypnosis as opposed to traditional therapy. I started here sleeping only every other night with a lot of anxiety weighing on my mind. Throughout the process my sleep improved, and I’ve been able to shelve my anxiety away. I felt safe knowing that I could wake from the state at anytime. Very successful!
Ellie N.
October 2012
To my surprise, I found that I was able to be hypnotized easily and that even after the first session I was experiencing significant changes in my ability to fall asleep easily.
Patricia W.
November 2012
Here’s what to do next:
This process begins with you.
Click here to discover how to schedule your Hypnotic Strategy Session to set a plan for your success.
Here’s what people are saying:
The process allows a person to achieve a goal that otherwise requires medication, or without that, seems unobtainable. To my surprise, I found that I was able to be hypnotized easily and that even after the first session, I was experiencing significant changes in my ability to fall asleep easily.
P.K. White
I feel less anxious, like I can control the anxiety with my mind. I sleep better, too. Jason is professional and personable. He has a very calm demeanor which puts me at ease. So far it has been really good. I can control my anxiety and I have gone from waking several times per night to one or fewer.
Emma K.
I found it easier to let go of my issues while under hypnosis as opposed to traditional therapy. I started here sleeping only every other night with a lot of anxiety weighing on my mind. Throughout the process my sleep improved, and I’ve been able to shelve my anxiety away. I felt safe knowing that I could wake from the state at anytime. Very successful!
Ellie F.
Get started now with a published expert in the field.
The Northern Virginia newspaper “The Zebra” published this article of mine in their September 2012 issue.

What’s keeping you up at night?
A good night’s rest is important for almost every goal one could wish to achieve. Do you want to make a good impression at that job interview? Do you need to stay alert and make the best of your work day? What about getting the most out of your health and exercise? Do you just want to feel better?
When we don’t get enough rest, our mind and body do not work to the best of their abilities. Establishing good sleep strategies is often the best way to begin to relieve the stress of a restless night.
The most common advice remains true: reduce your caffeine intake in the afternoon and evening, eliminate nicotine, avoid daily naps, and treat the bedroom as a place to relax and unwind.
There are some who turn to an alcoholic drink or two in order to unwind and get to sleep, though it’s a bit of a misconception how helpful the beverage may be in helping create a restful night. Alcohol may help some people fall asleep faster, though it can attribute to a lesser quality of sleep.
Exercise is important to build a healthy body and mind, and it actually can help produce deeper sleep at night, though it can act as a stimulant when done too close to bedtime.
Should you find yourself awake in the middle of the night, a good tip is to do your best to not fully engage the conscious mind. Have you ever found yourself repeatedly checking the time to do the math to see how many hours of sleep you’ll get if you were to immediately fall asleep? That mental math can wake you up even further. Experiment with setting your alarm clock and turning it to face the wall.
Stress, anger, and anxious feelings make it a challenge to sleep soundly. Finding better strategies to manage your thoughts can really help you set the previous day aside and rest soundly for tomorrow. If your mind is racing with worrisome thoughts, remember the old quote that “Worry can be like paying interest on a debt that may never come due.” If the thought is something that truly needs attention, consider writing the thought down and leaving it in a room other than the bedroom.
It can also be very helpful to develop better ways of relaxing. This provides a more efficient way to intentionally calm the mind, remove stress from the body, and prepare for a great night’s rest. Helpful strategies may include deep breathing, systematically relaxing away stress and tension, or using self-hypnosis to associate into a peaceful, relaxing place.
We see many clients at our office who wish to improve their sleep patterns, though it’s helpful to understand that hypnosis is not a state of sleep. Hypnosis is a process in which the mind is more alert and receptive to positive suggestion, insight, and releasing negative feelings. The process can create a profound state of relaxation which can then be connected to the moment your head hits the pillow, improving your ability to sleep soundly through the night.Here’s what to do next:
This process begins with you.
Click here to discover how to schedule your Hypnotic Strategy Session to set a plan for your success.